Weeds of Cornwall Street

series of 14 pieces

(no.01-13) ink on paper & (no.14) graphite on paper



No. 01 to 13: 2 mins quick sketches on a single plant.

No. 14: 2 hours sketch with details with graphite on location.

In the 2018/19, I lived in the student residence hall of the university. This was my first time having my own living space since I was born. I didn’t feel belonging to any places since the major depression occurred, and I tried to find my sense of belonging right there.

What is it means when we belong to something, some places, or some people? I started to observe the small details in my living area and tried to find the signature spot to make my heartbeat. The weeds that naturally grow around without human resources which involve the location temperature, humidity, state of the atmosphere, mud, and more of the other aspect that would affect the weeds grown in a specific place. They follow the structure of facilities, rise from the cracks, or extant across the storm drain.

They represented the place and where I belong.