Trigger the Lost Past Pass
1080p digital video, triple-channel, 16:9 format, colour & sound (stereo), 8 fps
4 mins 01 sec
Chinese & English subtitles
Thai Audio
2020 - 2022
Created as a variation of Symbiosis with Weeds (2020-). The script is written in my third language, Chinese; translated with an online platform into my second language, English; re-translated and recorded in my mother tongue, Thai. Explore the past by intervening in the dissimilarity between present and individual memories through an environmental identity. In understanding the sense of belongings with the inter-relationship between language, culture, environment and memories. A fragmentation of sequences triggers and fades individual sensibilities.
2021 Edition
Exhibited Online: Link
VIDEO ZINE #2 錄像雜誌第二期,
5. L’automatique: hickory dickory dock 自動波:滴答滴答滴答滴