Personal Ocean with Ultramarine Light, Light up the Blues
mixed-media installation
100cm x 100cm x 300cm
Blue, a phrase or phenomenon, always make “blues” related to sadness and depressed emotions. It is cold color temperature, opposite of red as warm color temperature. A short-wavelength around 435 nm - 495 nm in between the cyan and violet in a spectrum of visible light.
Francis Grose, A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (1785):
BLUE, to look blue; to be confounded, terrified, or disappointed.
BLUE DEVILS, low spirits.
John Barrett, Dictionary of Americanisms, first edition (1848) U.S. English slang usage:
BLUE. Gloomy, severe; extreme, ultra.
BLUE DEVILS. To have the blue devils is to be dispirited.
Earth pigments yellow, red, purple orchards, sienna and umber were all already available. Yet, one element remained tantalizingly out of reach - blue. The color of the sky above, the pounding wave, and the heart of the flickering flame were unobtainable. The world truly is mostly a blue place, no matter how we look at this planet, it is governed by the blue part. Ultramarine, rich and vibrant, and because of its rarity and lengthy method of extraction, natural ultramarine became the most expensive of artist’s colorants - its price, occasionally, even exceeding that of gold. It is the color of the ocean which I want to turn it into my property, to privatize, and to own it.
The ocean is everyone’s back yard or front yard or living space. The total surface area of Hong Kong is 2755.03km², the land total surface area is 1106.34km², and the water total surface area is 1648.69km², even extensive than the ground. The whole planet is where we live. There is no ‘away’ that we can put things and expect that they are really away, and we cannot escape with the phrase ‘not in my backyard.’
The ocean is blue without blues, and I wonder if I could own one, the ultramarine could light me up.

Make it stand out.
Thesis Statement
““Art is the world’s ability to investigate and have an intimate relationship with itself.””
The graduation project has become a tool to let me communicate with the world, and to review the effectiveness of the world influences me. By studying through self-experience from a third-person perspective, I see the relationship between myself and the surrounding. The environment underwater affects me in different senses; sight, hear, and touch. And it changes the reactions and emotional status of mine. This project results from dived underwater for more than 150 hours in Hong Kong and transforming dive experience into the physical installation, privatizing the ocean, and recreating the experience of staying underwater by reproducing human senses. From reviewing my dive journal and reflecting on myself, I discovered how the sea affects physically and mentally while staying in the underwater becomes a safer and comfortable personal space, which seems to be an infinite and unpredictable open space. At the same moment, to be below the surface is a contradiction and struggle when seeing the ocean wastes. I feel healing when researching by observing the movements, but the fact they have become a part of the ocean. The result of relieving physical intense, and psychological stress, I used the nudge techniques of influencing behavior that, although subtle, can have significant impacts.
Discussion: Discover, Reflection & Protential
The whole process was about the decision making of the material used or the medium for presentation, which is better or more suitable for the outcome. I was considerate about the user interface or experience, but it turns to be unclear in the presentation. So as an artist, I would need to be more persistent and clear of the purposes. For example, in this exhibition, the institute opposed to hanging the bulb near the wall, I should persist as it would affect the meaning of the work.
Presenting ideas to different people about the topic to clarify concepts and come up with better storytelling. I was not firm about the intentions, lack of discussion in the process. In the oral presentation, I gain a lot of advice, but there is no excuse for an unclear objective. I was greedy to express more in work, and it is just a single work. I found it still has a lot to modify, improve, and balance. The ideas have many layers, which could separate into a series of artworks.
No matter how I enjoy this research-art project. As the first sentence quoted at the beginning, it was an opportunity to communicate with the surroundings; art practice is the highest form of hope. Using Art to express data into feelings, although it is not accurate as scientist representation, is more about feeling than seeing.
History & Process
The original idea was about data visualization, which related to my interested in seeing the macro perspective of different things in our society. However, the plans change during the research process and developed into more personal and physiological work. In 2018, I diagnosed with Major Depression Disorder and started to dive into the ocean. In May 2019, I scuba and freediving around Taiwan (Liu-Chui Island, Kenting, Green Island, Orchid Island, and Northeast Coast) 45 days. The aim is to understand people living styles and try to find the muse of my Graduation Thesis Project. The idea was about visualizing and comparing data of ocean waste in a specific area of Hong Kong, weather and water current, and people living and activity habits. I was interested in the relationship between different elements and how things affecting each other.
In February 2020, during the research process underwater in Hong Kong, I started to collect and record data by analog photography, videography, and diving statistics. The average driving time is about 25 minutes per a single dive (dive 3-4 times per day, and one day per week), and the average depth is 7 miters. The diving time was short of ensuring safety issues in winter (hypothermia) and dive alone (certified Self Reliant Diver) safety. During the data collection process underwater, the underwater analog camera (Nikonos V) broken after several dives, as trying to shoot as much as I can in that limited diving time, the accident of seawater permeates into the camera occurs. At the same moment, I have not received any replies from WWF: Ghost Gears Detective’s team, Hong Kong Observatory, the Hydrographic Office, or other persons/institutions related to the researched topic. The data collection process ran into a stone wall, although followed the schedule planned, in the researching process, can still have a lot of unexpected problems. And because of the COVID-19, the on-site research paused.
The project ideas changed after the camera has broken, by started to review material have in hands, such as videos, photos, films, objects, and numbers. Then list out all the material and find the link in between. Rethinking the importance and meanings of objective and accurate data. That period was harsh; confusion about the process and tried to sort things out, the purpose and action were not clear. Instead of collecting more data, it is to step backward, read through different books, watch movies, documentaries, experts’ sharings, and discuss with people and showed the process.
Fortunately, as focusing more on the creative impulse the idea became more substantial, by breaking down from the origin and find influences. From a personal aspect, the reason to stay underwater: relaxed, peaceful, and clam. And self appearance when water surrounding: no gravity, freely, and merge with the environment. Figuring out the situation of elements causes the effects and shaped personal status in the scene. These thoughts become the development idea; it is express the human senses of being alone under the sea. The world truly is mostly a blue place, no matter how we look at this planet, the blue part governs it. Thus, the ocean seems to be an infinite place without any boundaries. I felt no hazardous or being exposed under risky; the sea shaped into a comfort zone or personal space. It is a sense of belonging to a particular place where I study further and develop it into the final artwork.
Concept, Concern & Dialogue with field
In 2016, abandoned fishing nets were among the top 10 commonly seen in Hong Kong underwater waste & trash. In the same year, a 41 tons Sperm Whale stranded on Shore of Jiangsu Province and dead, the researcher found 8m net stuck inside the whale. Ghost nets do not only a threat of marine life like a whale, ray, and sea turtle but corals, the habitat underwater. And make the underwater or activities above the sea more dangerous. The Third Runway Site and Lantau Tomorrow Vision will pollute the ocean habitat, like corals and marine life. Still, the news did not mention or reported until three months later because of some non-government organization researched. Although Hong Kong is one of the most well-known cities globally, we lack response to the climate change issue compared to other cities or countries.
Artistic Concept Key artists: TRES
An art team called TRES. They work on garbage in public spaces. And which they have a project work in Hong Kong's trash too. One of the publications of the collection in 2016 shows wastes around Hong Kong, on the beach, and in the city. I was inspired by them a lot, and I have a similar topic and material in hand also.
In this project, the video about trashes under the sea is used. The video shows the ocean waste motion move along with the current because of the buoyancy, they floating between the top and bottom of the ocean. And it shows that they merged with the environment under the water. Ar the same time, the rhythm is the emotional expression. When it swings and driving around in a particular timing, it creates a natural stabilizing. And that in my opinion, I enjoy the moment when looking at floating trash during the scuba dive journey. The video programmed to a cubic similar to the fish tank-shaped, and to show the characteristic of 180-degree hologram, which pop-out from the flat surface turn automatically synced with the water flow.
It has a consideration of participants to lead the audiences to sit in front of the installation. The 180-degree hologram characteristic can only view one side to let the people sit in a particular spot; the speakers are set below eye-level to make the person lead forward for better hearing, both to create the loneliness. The fish tank can view at sides but cannot see the video. It is to reduce the fear of the unknown. The room is blackout with an ultramarine bulb hang at the ceiling, between the chair and fish tank, to remove the participant's shadow while looking at the installation.
Scientific Concept - Light
Light can only pass through the top layer of water, which called the Photic Zone. In a clear, shallow area, light could irradiate to the bottom. Although in a crystal liked the pool, standard lights can only travel around 100 meters/ 330 feet deep. The range on a Photic Zone can extend to 200 meters/ 650 feet; however, have the most biological production is the upper half of the zone only, which is the Euphotic Zone. A Euphotic Zone is 1% of the ocean, but most of the marine lives here. Another part called Dysphotic Zone, although light can also arrive in this part, is not enough to cause photosynthesis, so most marine lives live in the upper part. Underneath is the Aphotic Zone, which light never passes through. Aphotic Zone is the largest area of the ocean.
Lights are affecting the corals and algae. If the water is more precise, organisms that live with photosynthesis can result in more profound depth. It depends on their Photosynthesis Pigments on which light they need in the spectrum of light. For example, Red Algae need blue and green light only, which makes them can live in a deeper area comparing to Blue and Green Algae. A Red Algae shows a red color because it absorbs green and blue and then reflects red so that human eyes can see.
To conclude, when light passes through the surface, it separates and changes directions. The longer wavelength would separate first, for example, red. According to the depth, the color is more dull, red would become brown or black, and blue or violet would be the last color to disappear.
Color & Light Therapy:
Visible light is only a part of Electromagnetic Spectrum, and a range of colors can be seen in the visible light. Ultramarine Blue, is the 435 nm wavelength blue. In light therapy, they use a specific blue light (~450nm) to release pressure and reduce depressed emotion (seasonal depression / bipolar II). Researchers also find blue light is the most effective light due to mood problems, comparing to white and warm colors light. In Japan, an ultramarine (435nm) light applied in public places to reduce the number of suicide, which is the same color of light used in this project.
Olafur Eliasson: The Design of Art, Abstract: The Art of Design, Netflix, S2E1. (2017, February 10). Retrieved from
Baraniuk, C. (2019, January 13). Can blue lights prevent suicide at train stations? Can Blue Lights Prevent Suicide at Train Stations? Retrieved from
Bartlett, J. R. (1848). Dictionary of Americanisms a glossray of words and phrases, usually regarded as peculiar to the United States. New York: Bartlett and Welford. P33
Bedrosian, T. A., & Nelson, R. J. (2017). Timing of light exposure affects mood and brain circuits. Translational psychiatry, 7(1), e1017.
Grose, F. (1968). A classical dictionary of the vulgar tongue: 1785. Menston: Scolar Press. P24
Plitnick, B., Figueiro, M. G., Wood, B. & Rea, M. S. (2010). The effects of red and blue light on alertness and mood at night, Lighting Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 42: 449–458, doi: 10.1177/1477153509360887
Peeples, L. (2019, October 27). Seasonal blues? Lack of blue light may be to blame. Seasonal Blues? Lack of Blue Light May Be to Blame. Retrieved from
T. A. Bedrosian & R. J. Nelson, Timing of light exposure affects mood and brain circuits, doi:10.1038/tp.2016.262
TRES Art Collective revisits Hong Kong |TRES再度訪港 |WMA (22 April 2020), WMA. Retrieved from
Wma. (n.d.). Ubiquitous Trash : Hong Kong Edition by TRES Art Collective. Retrieved from
Special Thanks
Mr. Chi Wo Leung
Mr. Kai Chung Lee
Mr. Kel Lok
Ms. Linda, Chiu Han Lai
Floating Projects
Orion Scuba Diving Company