Non titled (Digital soma)


Creative coding


Exploring the latest work Access to the soma (2021),
From Live -> Analog -> Digital,
To examine how we and the different media experience or capture time. From analog long exposure of a selfie which compressed the duration of live performance into a single image, then transformed into digital format and separated the merged layers by analysing the grayscale and brightness of the pixels.

“The video image becomes the real architecture for the performance because the image is a place.”

Kit Galloway.

We have extended ourselves past our natural capabilities, a change in how we view the world, and a drastic change in terms of physical and psychological relationships with space and other bodies.

The projection of the past performance is a projection of a projector, also as a projection on my body as a light source, enabled the camera to merge different presence into one. I didn’t really see myself as a performer nor photographer, but just an inter-discipline with other broad or narrow disciplines and expressed with an artistic representation.

In my opinion, the performance art form is to be beyond the object-based creation, to involve and present “life” in front of the viewers. The “experience” become one of the elements in contemporary art. Of course, there are some performances aim to use documentation video or photo to accentuate the actions of artists, to be “telepresence” which artists or audiences is not necessary to be present and they are in two different physical locations. However, some performances’ documentation is just documentation; it is a product of performative art form, to document the accent of the artwork, a significant moment captured by devices, turning a solid moment into eternal flatten, sometimes what in the frame even powerful than the performance itself, being worship and re-exhibiting time to time.