Dont Touch My Back

wearable installation

mirrors, hangers, tapes


A wearable installation for me not looking at the front, but the back.


  • please do not talk in front of me.

  • please stand at the back of me.

  • please do not stab in my back.

  • please look at my back-mirror.

  • please do not touch my back.


"DONT TOUCH MY BACK" is a project of transforming the body into art. In this project, human vision is the key. Human eyes have the limitation comparing to insect or ocean species, a restriction of the viewing angle and direction. This installation is changing the vision by transforming sight from the front into the back. At the same time, it would force participants to walk backward or walk normally but look at the back.

The body is already structure by DNA, and these structures make behaviors. For example, joints of bones could only twist and move in a fixed direction. And just like eyes are at the front, all other elements also build to walk forward and balance while having the movements.

The body installation is using four mirrors to reflect the light from the back to the eyes. By setting the mirrors and a specific angle 45 degrees, mirrors reflect the image from one to another, and finally into the eyes.